Thursday, November 4, 2010

Toddler Travels: Gymboree, Westgate Alabang

Gymboree Westgate Alabang - unlike other kids' play areas that I'd rather not mention - proved to be kid-friendly with staff that is accommodating and courteous to Filipino and foreign children alike.  My active toddler enjoyed her romp around the variety of colored tunnels, slides, ladders, balls, mats, and bridges.  And mommy got quite a workout chasing her around too!

What sets this Gymboree branch apart from others of its kind (besides the competent and welcoming staff - sorry, I can't help but gripe about a bad experience with another branch) is its size, which is larger than some branches.  The entrance also makes an impression.  When you go through the doors, you'll first find yourself in a small space where you'll be asked to leave your shoes.  The guard will also give you a generous spray of alcogel before you go through the second set of doors to the main reception and play area.

It's a bit pricey at P300+/hour (for non-members) - pretty much the same as similar kids' gyms, but of course nothing beats the price of a free run around the neighborhood playground ;)  Still, if you're dealing with a baby or energetic toddler, its best to stick to playgrounds of this caliber that are fitted out with every kind of mat, foam, and safety measure.

Travel Tips:

(1) Only 1 adult can accompany the child once in the play area.

(2) Adults are required to wear socks.  Children must not wear socks in the play area.

(3) Bring a change of clothing for your baby - and you!

(4) Pack a water bottle for your baby - and you!

(5) There's a sign that says you must keep your baby within hug's reach.  Heed this well.  Although the matted flooring keeps your child relatively unharmed from the unavoidable stumble/fall, there's little it can do against your toddler's attempt to launch herself from the top of the ladder.

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