Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tot's Doctor Blues

How do you convince your baby that a trip to the doctor's clinic, which usually starts as a routine check and ends with a painful injection, is not as torturous as it appears to be? While some infants take it all in a stride, there are those who wail, scream, and kick through the entire process from the moment they see the person in the white coat until you settle the bill at the receptionist's desk and head for the exit. My baby falls in the latter category. Unfortunately, convincing someone who can only stare up at you with those big, innocent, "why me?" eyes that vac-ci-na-tion is for their own good is a pretty hard sell. Not to worry though - they eventually grow out of it, and here are some steps to help them along:

Once your tot hits the toddler years, you can start using books and toys to help him/her understand what a doctor does and why. Fans of Dora The Explorer can turn to the "Dora Goes to the Doctor" book, while those who prefer Mickey Mouse can try "Dr. Daisy". Some FisherPrice books also feature doctor characters. You can help your toddler relate to the books by letting them play doctor with a toy doctor's kit (available is most toy stores). Once they get the basic concept down pat, you can engage in pretend play with your tot as the doctor and his/her stuffed toys (or mommy and daddy) as the patients.

On our last trip to the doctor's office, my daughter was already familiar with the stethoscope, thermometer, and other tools; and actually seemed eager to see the real things in action. Finally, an entire session without the tears and screams. We bought her a small toy at the hospital gift shop to celebrate the milestone.

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