Sunday, June 30, 2013

Head lice no more with Oilganics Treatment Shampoo!

I was nothing short of horrified when my mother discovered that my 4-year-old daughter had lice (otherwise known in the Philippines as "kuto"). "Kuto"??? No way, I thought. Not my little girl. At the time, I barely even knew what lice or kuto meant, except that it was something utterly distasteful. I did not fully comprehend at the time how disgusting and annoyingly itchy they were, and how easily and quickly they spread throughout one's scalp and hair. I shuddered at the thought of all those little insects with their numerous legs crawling all over my daughter's head!

I wanted them out. FAST. We got a fine-toothed comb and tried the manual method at first. We shampooed her hair 2 to 3 times a day. Still they continued to spread. Research revealed a quick-acting lice shampoo that only required one treatment, but it seemed as popular as it was controversial. For every site lauding its effectiveness, there was another talking about how it was actually an insecticide and could be dangerous for very young children. I was desperate to find another, natural solution.

Finally, I stumbled upon a smartparenting article entitled How to Get Rid of your Child's Head Lice. It talked about an all-natural head lice shampoo that was safe to use. I immediately jumped to the Oilganics website, which featured their shampoo and conditioner. It would take two weeks of regular use to get ride of the lice, but it was NATURAL and SAFE. I hung on to those two words and used it on my daughter (and everyone else in our household!).

Two weeks later, my daughter was finally lice-free! We continued to use the shampoo and conditioner for a month for good measure.

The best part is - I recently had my hair rebonded with L'Oreal Extenso Rebond and my hair remained straight and shiny despite chucking the expensive L'Oreal shampoo and leave-on conditioner for Oilganics (at a much cheaper price!). I'm considering asking Oilganics if their product can still be used long after the pesky lice have gone :-P


  1. Another common variation of the usual head lice olive oil treatment to try is adding tea tree oil, tea tree oil shampoo, sweet almond oil, and coconut oil to the olive oil base and massage into the scalp. Leave the concoction on the head for about an hour before rinsing with as much hot water as you can stand before shampooing with the mixture and rinsing again. Lice Orange County

  2. does OILGANICS also removed those lic eggs or "LISA"?????????????

  3. Thank you. I just wanted to know where to ship it since I know now to keep producing it

    Lice Shield Shampoo
